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Agent Profile
Register Date 2024-03-21
User Login Id HSM7654
Mobile 9868152885
Address DELHI
Wallet Amount 310
Agent order Details
Sr No Date Order Id Shipping Address Proudct Name Payment Type Order Status Shipping Charges Total
1 2024-06-26 2185693492 C 7 upper ground floor Kirti nagar New Delhi 110015 D.No.26011 / Black
Wallet Confirm 65 1960
2 2024-06-26 4154346678 C 7 upper ground floor Kirti nagar New Delhi 110015 D.No.26012 / Orange
Wallet Confirm 65 1960
3 2024-06-26 7860120043 C 7 upper ground floor Kirti nagar New Delhi 110015 DNO.25096/RED
Wallet Confirm 65 1160
4 2024-06-07 3133438803 DNO.25097/FantasticS
Wallet Confirm 65 1360
5 2024-04-02 1157071427 C 7 upper ground floor Kirti nagar New Delhi 110015 I want size 38 D.No.210021 / Ready to wear
Wallet Confirm 65 2960