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Agent Profile
Register Date 2020-11-18
User Login Id GPM2133
Name Poonam
Mobile 8800359206
Address delhi
Wallet Amount 5
Agent order Details
Sr No Date Order Id Shipping Address Proudct Name Payment Type Order Status Shipping Charges Total
1 2024-05-15 1034962174 Women world fashion house B.g/ 362-b Paschim vihar New Delhi Pin code 110063 Ph 8800359206 Colour pink DNO 24097/pink/FantasticS
Wallet Confirm 0 1495
2 2024-05-07 2989529245 Women's world fashion house B.g/6/362-b Paschim vihar New Delhi Pin code 110063 Size 38 DNO.210032/Ready to wear
Wallet Confirm 0 2895