Company Name : queensavtm
Mobile : 0000000000
Address : DELHI
Order Payment Details
Order Id 8529193500
Transaction Id 88163ea19a9f359639c9
Payment Type Wallet
Order Date 2024-06-26
Billing Details
Full Name Nidhi Aggarwal
Customer Details Size 44 Laxmi Mazumder 203 Bangur Avenue Block - A Kolkata - 700055 Ganga Apartment 4th floor Ph - 9650637978 FROM, ITTRA KE PH - 6289390350
Sr No Product Description Unit Price qty Taxable Amount GST % GST Type Sub Total
1 Product DNO.25087/Ready to wear( 44 ) 1395 | 1195 1 1195 % IGST : 0 1195
2 Product DNO.25087/Ready to wear( 44 ) 1495 | 1295 1 2490 % IGST : 0 1295
Item Total 2490
Shipping charges 0
Cod Charges 0
Grand Total 2490