Company Name : queensavtm
Mobile : 0000000000
Address : DELHI
Order Payment Details
Order Id 5409004982
Transaction Id 9b7f7391d0b8cef7a653
Payment Type Wallet
Order Date 2024-06-24
Billing Details
Full Name Ampm
Customer Details No labels or tags Please don't put labels or tags pls Tamanna Khurana House no.14 , road no.75 , 14/75 west punjabi bagh. New Delhi Backside of Guruharkrishan school 110026 9599901458
Sr No Product Description Unit Price qty Taxable Amount GST % GST Type Sub Total
1 Product DNO.25075/Ready to Wear( Size 38, Medium ) 2095 | 1895 1 1895 % IGST : 0 1895
Item Total 1895
Shipping charges 65
Cod Charges 0
Grand Total 1960