Company Name : queensavtm
Mobile : 0000000000
Address : DELHI
Order Payment Details
Order Id 3182715219
Transaction Id 8e010dd646ccfcdd9046
Payment Type Wallet
Order Date 2024-06-14
Billing Details
Full Name pallavi arora
Customer Details Dno 26004 Pink colour 42 size To Malini gupta 52.P.D. kydganj (Near Ram Janki Mandir) Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh Pin 211003 Mobile 7618934069 From Shopoholic Stree 9602855811
Sr No Product Description Unit Price qty Taxable Amount GST % GST Type Sub Total
1 Product DNO.26004/Ready to wear( ) 1395 | 1195 1 1195 % IGST : 0 1195
Item Total 1195
Shipping charges 100
Cod Charges 0
Grand Total 1295