Company Name : queensavtm
Mobile : 0000000000
Address : DELHI
Order Payment Details
Order Id 7163696587
Transaction Id 4e60a58306defb61920a
Payment Type Wallet
Order Date 2024-06-11
Billing Details
Full Name Richa Agrawal
Customer Details Size 46 To Abha Shah 2 gulmohar ex bihand shakat Indore mp 452018 +91 78287 74101 From Pakke Dhaage 9300023455
Sr No Product Description Unit Price qty Taxable Amount GST % GST Type Sub Total
1 Product DNO.25089/Ready to wear( ) 1795 | 1595 1 1595 % IGST : 0 1595
Item Total 1595
Shipping charges 120
Cod Charges 0
Grand Total 1715